西亚斯外籍学校家庭日活动开始报名啦!Hurry! Sign up for Sias IS Family Fun Day now

国际教育网   2023-04-17 11:28:38

Sias IS西亚斯外籍学校


Dear friends,


Wesincerely welcome and invite you to participate our Sias IS Family Fun Day!


Event Introduction


Event Registration


Special reminder 特别提醒

*Please take a screenshot and save the QR code after completing the form, the QR code is going to be scanned as verifications of your admission entrance, on the day of the event.


* Entry Time: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Event Highlights


With games and gifts, create a carnival vibe just for you!


By all Sias IS students and parents, creates the grandest ceremony of Sias IS Family Fun Day and the unforgettable memory of Sias IS.


Explore the world with a bite of diverse fusion.


Come and see for yourself the first international school campus in Henan.

感受河南省第一所真正的国际学校校园。All the income from the bazaar will be used for Service-learningProgram, in order to deliver the message of serving others in community andcontributing to society to all the participants.


Event Agenda


Event Guidance


Parking:Parking is not allowed on campus. Please obey the traffic rules for off-campus parking. Vehicles can park on Longteng 4th Street or Zerun Road. Meanwhile we also encourage you to take public transportation to campus.



Keep in mind the rules as you having fun:


*There will be many games and play sites, please choose the ones fit your child(ren)"s age, and be safe!


*Since there are also many sports activities, we recommend that you and your child wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are easy for you to move around during the event.


*Smoking is strictly prohibited in campus.


*There will be booths sale food and drink, if your child has allergies please choose with caution.


*Keep Clean and No Littering.


*There will be an Emergency Tent on site. If you don’t feel comfortable, please see the nurse immediately in the tent.


Thank you for your support and understand! We look forward to seeing you at Sias IS campus!非常感谢您的理解与支持,我们非常期待与您在西亚斯外籍学校校园见面!

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